Billing Schedule

KPUD water customers are billed every other month. Each bill represents two (2) months of consumption.

Payments are due on the billing due date. Balances not paid on or before the due date are subject to a 10% late charge and may result in disconnection if account remains delinquent.

Billing Month Service Period 2024 Due Date
January (Billing Cycle 1) 11/16 to 1/15 2/29
February (Billing Cycle 2) 12/16 to 2/15 3/28
March (Billing Cycle 1) 1/16 to 3/15 4/30
April (Billing Cycle 2) 2/16 to 4/15 5/30
May (Billing Cycle 1) 3/16 to 5/15 6/27
June (Billing Cycle 2) 4/16 to 6/15 7/31
July (Billing Cycle 1) 5/16 to 7/15 8/29
August (Billing Cycle 2) 6/16 to 8/15 9/30
September (Billing Cycle 1) 7/16 to 9/15 10/31
October (Billing Cycle 2) 8/16 to 10/15 11/28
November (Billing Cycle 1) 9/16 to 11/15 12/31
December (Billing Cycle 2) 10/16 to 12/15 1/30/2025

We have several payment options available for your water bill.